Sunday, December 25, 2011

Overcoming Communication Barriers Between People

When you send a message, you intend to communicate meaning, but the message itself doesn't contain meaning. The meaning exists in your mind and in the mind of your receiver. To understand one another, you and your receiver must share similar meanings for words, gestures, tone of voice, and other symbols.

1. Differences in perception

Mental Health

The world constantly bombards us with information: sights, sounds, scents, and so on. Our minds organize this stream of sensation into a mental map that represents our perception or reality. In no case is the perception of a certain person the same as the world itself, and no two maps are identical. As you view the world, your mind absorbs your experiences in a unique and personal way. Because your perceptions are unique, the ideas you want to express differ from other people's Even when two people have experienced the same event, their mental images of that event will not be identical. As senders, we choose the details that seem important and focus our attention on the most relevant and general, a process known as selective perception. As receivers, we try to fit new details into our existing pattern. If a detail doesn't quite fit, we are inclined to distort the information rather than rearrange the pattern.

2. Incorrect filtering

Filtering is screening out before a message is passed on to someone else. In business, the filters between you and your receiver are many; secretaries, assistants, receptionists, answering machines, etc. Those same gatekeepers may also 'translate' your receiver's ideas and responses before passing them on to you. To overcome filtering barriers, try to establish more than one communication channel, eliminate as many intermediaries as possible, and decrease distortion by condensing message information to the bare essentials.

3. Language problems

When you choose the words for your message, you signal that you are a member of a particular culture or subculture and that you know the code. The nature of your code imposes its own barriers on your message. Barriers also exist because words can be interpreted in more than one way. Language is an arbitrary code that depends on shared definitions, but there's a limit to how completely any of us share the same meaning for a given word. To overcome language barriers, use the most specific and accurate words possible. Always try to use words your audience will understand. Increase the accuracy of your messages by using language that describes rather than evaluates and by presenting observable facts, events, and circumstances.

4. Poor listening

Perhaps the most common barrier to reception is simply a lack of attention on the receiver's part. We all let our minds wander now and then, regardless of how hard we try to concentrate. People are essentially likely to drift off when they are forced to listen to information that is difficult to understand or that has little direct bearing on their own lives. Too few of us simply do not listen well! To overcome barriers, paraphrase what you have understood, try to view the situation through the eyes of other speakers and resist jumping to conclusions. Clarify meaning by asking non-threatening questions, and listen without interrupting.

5. Differing emotional states

Every message contains both a content meaning, which deals with the subject of the message, and a relationship meaning, which suggests the nature of the interaction between sender and receiver. Communication can break down when the receiver reacts negatively to either of these meanings. You may have to deal with people when they are upset or when you are. An upset person tends to ignore or distort what the other person is saying and is often unable to present feelings and ideas effectively. This is not to say that you should avoid all communication when you are emotionally involved, but you should be alert to the greater potential for misunderstanding that accompanies aroused emotions. To overcome emotional barriers, be aware of the feelings that arise in your self and in others as you communicate, and attempt to control them. Most important, be alert to the greater potential for misunderstanding that accompanies emotional messages.

6. Differing backgrounds

Differences in background can be one of the hardest communication barriers to overcome. Age, education, gender, social status, economic position, cultural background, temperament, health, beauty, popularity, religion, political belief, even a passing mood can all separate one person from another and make understanding difficult. To overcome the barriers associated with differing backgrounds, avoid projecting your own background or culture onto others. Clarify your own and understand the background of others, spheres of knowledge, personalities and perceptions and don't assume that certain behaviors mean the same thing to everyone.

If you would like to get custom-made advice about your communication problems, please feel free to email me at All requests will be handled professionally and your communication problem will be handled in strict confidence.

Overcoming Communication Barriers Between People

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs

Dog owners, who recognize the early signs and symptoms of illness or pain in their dogs, will not only relieve their loved one's suffering but may also be able to save themselves an expensive trip to the veterinarian. Not only is it important to recognize these signs early to relieve pain and suffering, but it is much more effective to treat an illness when it is detected early.

The dog owner should keep an accurate and detailed account of their dog's symptoms to help the veterinarian correctly diagnose and effectively treat the dog's illness or condition. Most canine illnesses are detected through a combination of various signs and symptoms:

Mental Health

Temperature, Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate

A newborn puppy will have a temperature of 94-97º F. which will eventually reach the normal adult body temperature of 101.5º F. at the age of 4 weeks old. Take care when trying to take your dog or puppies temperature as the thermometer can easily be broken off in the canine's rectum. Also any form of excitement can cause the temperature to rise by 2-3º when the dog is actually in normal health. If your dog's temperature reaches 105º or above OR 96º or below please take him/her to the emergency vet immediately!

An adult dog will have a respiratory rate of 15-20 breaths per minute (depending on such variables as size and weight) and a heart rate of 80-120 beats per minute. You can feel for your dog's heartbeat by placing your hand on his/her lower ribcage just behind the elbow. Don't be alarmed if the heartbeat seems irregular compared to a human's heartbeat, it is irregular in many dogs. Have your vet check it out and get used to how it feels when it is normal.

Behavior Changes

Any behavior changes that are not associated with a change in the household atmosphere, such as jealousy over a new pet or child may be an indication of an illness. Signs of behavioral changes may be:

o Depression

o Anxiety

o Fatigue

o Sleepiness

o Trembling

o Falling/Stumbling

If your dog shows any of these signs, he/she needs to be kept under close watch for a few hours, or even a few days, until positive signs develop or he/she has returned to normal. Do not try to exercise the dog or put him/her in any situation that may cause stress. Most veterinarians will want for you to keep track of when the symptoms first appeared, whether they are getting better or worse, and also whether the symptoms are intermittent, continuous, or increasing in frequency.


Dogs that are in pain will likely indicate that they are suffering by giving you clues as to where the area of discomfort is. For instance, a dog that has abdominal pain will continually glance toward their belly, bite or lick the area, and will not want to leave his/her bed. The dog may stand hunched over, or take the 'prayer position' which is when a dog gets down on it's forelegs with the hind legs still standing, because of the pain in her abdomen area.

Dogs can not tell you that they are hurting or cry real tears but a dog may vocalize their pain in a different way. A dog that is hurt suddenly (such as being stepped on) will cry out or wimper in pain. This also happens when an external injury or internal injury (such as an organ) is touched. Whining or vocalization that is unprovoked may be caused from an internal injury as well. Some breeds of dogs (such as the American Pit Bull Terrier) have a higher pain threshold and need to be watched more closely for signs of pain. Breeds with a high pain tolerance are more likely to endure the pain without vocalization.

Another clue to pain is a change in temperament. A dog that is in pain may show signs of aggression. Please take note of this before concluding that a dog has become vicious and let your veterinarian know so that the correct treatment can be administered. Also females in general (even humans!) have days when they are just in a bad mood for no obvious reason. Take note of days of times that these mood swings occur as well as any events that might have triggered them.

Other signs that your dog may be sick:

o Ears: discharge, debris, odor, scratching, crusted tips, twitching or shaking.

o Eyes: redness, swelling or discharge.

o Nose: runny, thickened or colored discharge, crusty.

o Coughing, sneezing, vomiting or gagging.

o Shortness of breath, irregular breathing or prolonged/heavy panting

o Evidence of parasites in the dog's stool, strange color, blood in the stool, or lack of a bowel movement (constipation).

o Loss of appetite or not drinking as much water as normally would.

o Weight Loss.

o Strange color of urine, small amount of urine, straining, dribbling, or not going as frequently as normal.

o Bad odor coming from mouth, ears, or skin.

o Hair loss, wounds, tumors, dander or change of the skin's color.

o Biting of the skin, parasites, scratching or licking the skin frequently.

The preceding article was meant to help educate you to the signs and symptoms of probable pain or sickness in your dog. If any of these symptoms occur over a prolonged period of time, please seek the help of a veterinarian. I hope that this article will help stress the importance of keeping watch over your dog's health patterns and the importance of keeping an accurate, detailed health record for your veterinarian's convenience.

Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs

Forex Trading

Friday, December 16, 2011

Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Issues

In 1996, the Mental Health Parity Act was passed in order to protect the proper insurance coverage for Americans with mental concerns. For many citizens who receive Social Security and associated medical coverage through their work, receiving equal coverage for their mental concerns was problematic. The public perception of mental health issues is not equal to the perceptions of other bodily diseases. This varied opinion has been expressed through insurance coverage that provides limited coverage for mental issues. The Mental Health Parity Act works to redress that situation.

Many Americans suffer from mental issues that require medical attention, doctors visits, and prescription medication just like any other health concern. It is crucial that, if you receive medical benefits through your company, that your complete health concerns are covered as well. The Mental Health Parity Act worked to ensure that an equal annual or lifetime limit of expense is extended to cover mental concerns as well as medical health issues. This also includes other retained rights that may be associated with a general medical expense.

Mental Health

Though there are a few exemptions included in this Act, its purpose is to ensure that insurance providers and companies that may control that insurance do not reduce the benefits to their employees or former employees based on the nature of their illness. Mental concerns can be as detrimental to the life and happiness of a patient as medical concerns. One important restriction included in this act is an exemption for mental health-related concerns regarding substance abuse or chemical dependency.

For more information about all of your health coverage rights, please visit the website of the Indianapolis social security disability lawyers at the Hankey Law Office, P.C..

Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Issues

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An Analysis of The Relationship Between Art and Mental Health

To understand how art is utilized in mental health you'll have to think of art as a constitutive subject, an essential element in interpersonal communications. Art doesn't exist for the sake of its own existence, but for the sake of interpersonal communication. In art, both artist and observer are participants. Although it is the artist that originally imbues their work with meaning, it is the observer who discovers its meaning. It's the observer who must break the artist's work down into its disparate parts, decipher its hidden code and piece that code together into a coherent sentence or paragraph which the arts reason for existing is stated. Consciously and unconsciously, it's through art that those dealing with mental illness create insight into their existence.

It is through their art, that qualified art therapists are able to determine what underlying issues are at the root of an individual's mental illness. Thus; their art acts as an indicator/confirmation of which mental illness they may be suffering from due to certain mental illnesses' ability to affect an individual's perception and expression. Thus, the art of a mentally ill individual is capable of being utilized as a road map which assist art therapists in determining which physiological and psycho-emotive issues need to be dealt with in order to return an individual to wellness.

Mental Health

Most individuals dealing with mental illness experience some form of impairment in their ability to intentionally communicate their instinctual desires through repressed thinking. This is because individuals suffering from mental illness may lack the ego integrity ( strength of mind and connection with reality) necessary to censor and harness the energy of their instinctual desires (emotions and sensations) while transforming them into coherent thought/spoken concepts or ideas. However, artistic expression allows individuals possessing mental illnesses to express their instinctual desires in a constructive manner without being forced to censor their thoughts, feelings, or instincts in a non-restrictive pattern of expression.

This is important because censoring can cause an individual to shut down and become incapable of communicating with others due to their frustration with being unable to convey their thoughts as quickly as they emerge.

Thus; for those that are mentally ill, art or the act of art becomes a non-threatening means of communications for the mentally ill and their artistic observer/therapist. This allows a mentally ill individual to communicate freely without reservation and feel comfortable with expressing their mental landscape thoughts, feelings and dreams to the art therapist who interprets the meaning of these phenomena into a meaningful representation of their clients' inner-world; this further assist the art therapist in determining underlying issues responsible for their clients' conditions and what issues may be agitating or preventing them from returning to health.

Thus, it's after the creation of art as a finished product that an observer/art therapist becomes a participant in the client's artistic process through attempting to discover both its latent and manifest meaning. It's through joint participation of artist/client and observer/therapist that both are brought together in developing its meaning. It's through this process that the artist/client is given value or validation by the participating observer/therapist and that both process and observer are internalized by the artist; the client takes the therapist and their reaction to their art into themselves and is either positively or negatively affected by it. Thus; the therapist's reaction to their art will either assist in returning the client to health or delay it. In short, a therapist reaction to their client's art and their ability to praise and/or critique appropriately will assist their client in developing insight, self-esteem and connection to reality.

Without this interpersonal process between client and therapist, art in and of itself possesses no innate value associated with a client's healing unless it is to release the instinctual energy pent-up within the psyche of those who are mentally ill through various creative outlets that de-energize the unsatisfied instinctual impulses responsible for the agitation of a client's concomitant emotional states. So to the artist/client without the involvement of process and observer/therapist, art and its creation lacks value and is discarded by the client. Without process and observer it becomes another expression of unmet instinctual desires that the artist desires to alleviate, but unable to do so becomes even more frustrated. In short, without a voice and a listener those suffering from mental illness become shut off from others and reality while experiencing frustration, and anxiety. It is through art, its process of creation and the presence of an interested observer that this is prevented and remedied.

Because art and the creation of art gains value through collective participation by both artist and observer; it becomes a constitutive subject which is internalized by both artist and observer, and then possesses the power to heal through the internalization of process and observer. It's this process that is invaluable to individuals dealing with mental illness, and brings about healing much in the same way as rationalized therapy, therapy in which disciplined rationale thought is applied, otherwise known as talk therapy where the observer/therapist and client develop insight and alleviate the client's anxieties through developing cognitive behavioral procedures that deal with the client's internalized conflicts or unanswered instinctual desires. The difference is that through art and the process of art there is an ability to create a public record of the psycho- emotive state in which both therapist and client engaged in during their time together. Thus; structured art therapy has the potential to assist the mentally ill in returning wellness as it assists them in understanding their underlying problems.

An Analysis of The Relationship Between Art and Mental Health

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Positive Mental Attitude and Health

Having a positive mental attitude is one of the important aspects of good health. Body and mind work in unity to bring health and well-being. Positive mental attitude, feelings of inner peace and happiness contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system thus protecting us from different illnesses. They can also help us to recover from serious diseases. A research found the link between the mental attitude of cancer patients and the outcome of the disease.

In early 1900s Emile Coue, a French psychotherapist, discovered that repeating positive affirmations can help people improve their health over time. In his free clinic patients were told to repeat during the day "Every day in every way I am getting better and better". This actually influenced their physical health.

Mental Health

It is not an impossible task to develop a positive mental attitude if you can approach it as any other negative habit that needs to be changed. To change a habit you need to replace it with another habit. In this case it is positive thinking.

One of the ways to develop positive thinking is repeating positive affirmations in your mind. Write down positive affirmations for your particular situation and learn them by heart. Repeat them to yourself several times a day. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively start repeating your positive affirmations. Keep repeating them even if you don't believe what you are saying. Persist in repeating positive affirmations and you will start believing them. You will also notice that you feel better: all of the sudden all negative emotions disappear.

Another way to change the way you feel and hence the negative thinking is doing what the old sayings, like "keep your chin up" or "smile and the world will smile with you" tell you to do! The mere fact of keeping your chin up will change the way you feel.

Exercise is an excellent promoter of positive thinking. Whenever you feel negative do some stretches, walk or run and you will notice that your negative emotions disappear. Dancing is another way to dispel the negativity.

These simple techniques can help you develop a positive outlook to life and hence improve your health. 

Positive Mental Attitude and Health

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Understanding Careers in Mental Health and Psychology

Are you interested in a career in mental health and psychology? If so, then it is important that you do your research into the career before you fully make up your mind. This field is one that many people enjoy; however, it may not be the right choice for everyone. So, before you get ready to make this important career decision, there are a few things that you need to consider. You'll no doubt want to be informed about the educational requirements, the various job positions available in the field, the salary you can expect, and perhaps a few companies that offer great jobs in the field. Once you sort out this information, you'll be better prepared to decide if this career is really for you or not.

Preparing with Education

Mental Health

If you plan on having a career in mental health and psychology, you are definitely going to need a good education. However, the education that you will need will be based on what specific job you want within the field. If you want to be a mental health counselor, then you will need a different education than a mental health nurse. Nurses who want to specialize in mental health nursing must take their regular nurse training, which usually takes 4 years for a Bachelor's degree. During that time you can choose to specialize in mental health nursing.

If you plan on being a psychologist then you will need to have a doctoral degree. If a Ph.D. in psychology is your goal, you are going to spend about 5-7 years in graduate school, which comes after you have a Bachelor's degree. So basically you will have spent about 9-11 years in higher education. Some degrees also include internships as well. If you want to become a school psychologist, dealing with students, you will need a special Ed.S. degree that focuses on both education and psychology. There are also some jobs available that only require that you have a Master's degree in psychology.

Positions Available in the Field

There are a variety of excellent positions available on the field of mental health, depending on what you are most interested in. There are counseling jobs available, jobs for nurses and nurses' aides who want to work in mental health care, and of course there are a variety of jobs available to psychologists as well. There are jobs available in clinical psychology, with specialties in neuropsychology, health psychology, and geropsychology.

School psychologists can find great jobs working in elementary schools as well as high schools and they deal with psychological and behavior problems in students. You can also find available jobs in developmental psychology as well, which deals with social, cognitive, and physiological develop that occurs in people throughout their life. Of course there are teaching jobs and research jobs available in the mental health field as well.

Pay - What to Expect

Of course the pay that you expect will highly depend on which job you pick within the mental health field. Nurses will only make between ,000 and ,000 in this field, depending on their experience and education. Psychologists that work in schools usually make around ,000 a year, those in family services usually make about ,000 yearly, and those who work with other health care practitioners make around ,000 a year. Some psychologists make as low as ,000 a year, while on the top end, others make as much as 0,000 a year.

Great Companies that Offer Jobs

If you do decide to get involved in a mental health or psychology career, no doubt you are going to be interested in finding companies that offer excellent jobs, with great pay and benefits. Whether you live in the United States or Canada, there are some great companies out there that hire people in mental health careers. A few great companies to consider in the United States include Georgia Correctional Healthcare, Range Mental Health Center in Minnesota, Bayview Center for Mental Health, Inc., in Miami, Florida, and Anne Arundel Health Systems in Maryland. There are also some great companies to consider in Canada as well, including Provincial Health Services Authority in British Columbia, Prairie North Regional Health Authority in Saskatchewan, and River Valley Health, in New Brunswick. All of these companies offer competitive salaries as well as good benefits.

Understanding Careers in Mental Health and Psychology


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Independent Consultant As a Mental Health Consultant in Early Childhood Settings

The goal of a mental health consultant who works in early childhood settings is the promotion of mental wellness and encouragement of positive social relations in children.

A 2005 study by Yale University's Ed Ziglar Center in Child development found that 6.7 children per 1000 are expelled from preschool every year, three times the rate of expulsions in kindergarten through high school. However, preschool teachers who have access to mental health consultants are about half as likely to expel a child compares with teachers who lack such support based on a report that looked at 3,898 preschool classes in 40 states.

Mental Health

Another recent study in 89 classes conducted by the Tulane University's Institute of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health link the mental health help offered there to improved behavior and learning and more cheerful classroom climates.

The mental health consultant, in early childhood or preschool settings, helps small children to learn the lifelong social and emotional skills they need. Children have to learn how to get along with people, to respond to them appropriately, and to acquire an awareness of how their actions affect other people and how other people's actions affect them. To be more specific, they need to learn cooperation, self-control, confidence, independence, curiosity, empathy, and communication. Also preschoolers need to learn how to inhibit impulsive behavior, become thoughtful, interpersonally sensitive, goal-oriented, respectful of other's space and belongings, and to develop friendships.

In addition, the mental health consultant identifies children with special needs which have often resulted from violence, abuse, prenatal substance abuse, losses due to incarcerations or death, or living in foster homes or with multiple care givers. Such experiences often has significantly affected the lives of children who display severe behavioral and emotional problems such as learning disabilities, speech or language disorders, emotional or behavioral disorders.

The mental health consultant also assist with parent support issues, including stress related issues, finding resources, acquiring job training, etc. Parent workshops and personal consultations with parents are essential in helping parents to implement some of the learning activities the youngsters are experiencing in the classroom as well as to address concerns parents may have relative to personal parenting issues and needs.

In the course of a work day, in addition to scheduled meetings with parents, the mental health consultant carries out classroom observations for assessment and evaluation, insure supportive responses in meeting the children's needs and conduct scheduled staff development workshops focused on strategies for dealing with behavioral and attention problems.

The Independent Consultant As a Mental Health Consultant in Early Childhood Settings

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Nature Photography As Your New Hobby

The primary reason you should take up adventure nature photography as your new hobby is that it promotes physical health and wellbeing. Physical health is important in all of our lives, and often it is difficult or mundane to force yourself to exercise in a repetitive routine. Many Americans suffer from obesity and a lack of physical activity is the cause for this disease. Taking up an active hobby such as adventure nature photography helps promote physical exercise in a unique and interesting manner. When I began gathering nature pictures and taking little hikes with my son in 2004, I weighed in at over 270 pounds. I was seriously out of shape, but now I weigh in at a trim 180, and have lost 90 pounds doing something fun and exciting.

Another important reason you should consider adventure nature photography is mental and spiritual health. Thousands of people suffer from anxiety and depression all over the world, and this is often caused by a lack of perspective in what really matters. If you take up adventure nature photography as your new hobby, the cares and concerns of work, school and the everyday stressful tasks of life will begin to melt away as you focus on the beauty and peaceful creation all around you. When you consider the way that God takes care of his creation, and that nature does not stress and worry about money or about what is going to happen tomorrow, we can then possibly begin to believe that he will, in his own way and time, take care of us even more than he does the animals and flowers in nature.

Mental Health

One of the greatest benefits of becoming an adventure nature photographer is that it will give you an interesting reason to spend more time with your friends and family. Loneliness can lead to depression and anxiety, and having a friend or a loved one to share a nature photography experience with helps to build and strengthen your relationship. Husband and wife, as well as parent and child relationships, are critical in all societies and cultures; as family is the primary building block of all our lives. I often will consider going to the mountains by myself, and when I picture doing this in my mind I think to myself, "I would be lonely going on my own", so I will ask my wife and kids if they want to go with me.

Although you may be concerned that you will not be able to hike if you are seriously out of shape or have another physical disability. You can begin by walking and hiking just a little at a time (such as walking in your back yard or neighborhood), and this will help you to build strength and endurance. Then again, you may be concerned that nature photography will be too expensive and you simply will not be able to afford a camera or equipment. However, quality point and shoot digital cameras are fairly inexpensive in today's market and you can obtain a high resolution digital camera that is easy to use and operate for less than a hundred dollars.

In conclusion adventure nature photography is an exciting hobby, which promotes physical health and vigorous exercise in an interesting way. When you have an interesting hobby such as nature photography, your focus will begin to see God's provision for creation and this helps you to mentally shift from monotonous daily routines, thus relieving stress and anxiety. Quality friend and family relationships are critical in all of our lives, and often an interesting reason to spend quality time together is all that we need. So, If you suffer from physical, mental or even spiritual health issues; and would like a way to spend more time with family and friends, you should consider adventure nature photography as your new found hobby.

Who knows, maybe if you take up adventure nature photography as your new hobby, it may develop into a small home business for you as well.

The Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Nature Photography As Your New Hobby

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Positive Mental Health - 5 Tips On How To Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Thoughts

Developing positive mental health is essential for daily living. It will help you in every aspect of your life; such as in your home life, work life as well as social life. You already know that right, because that is why you are reading this article. What you want to know is. How do I replace my negative thoughts with positive thoughts?

For a start you will need to stop calling them, 'my negative thoughts', you could replace it with 'that negative thought' do not take ownership of them, and start taking ownership of your positive thoughts.

Mental Health

So to help you to be able to do this, I have compiled a list of 5 things you can do that will help you defeat these negative thoughts, and turn them into positive ones.

1. Take your thoughts captive. What do I mean by this? Firstly you need to start to think about what you are thinking about. Realize that you have control over what you think. You need to catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, and replace them with a more positive perspective that fits with your particular situation. Imagine you have a problem with road rage, and someone cuts you off; now take a look at your usual reaction to this situation. What usually goes through your mind? I bet it is something like, that person could have killed me, can't they drive, why don't you look where you are going you Idiot. Am I right? We need to look at the truth of the situation not just the facts. What do I mean by this? The "fact" is they cut you off but the "truth" is no one was hurt.

I used to suffer road rage, when ever any one cut me off I would yell rant and rave. One day I was driving and an old woman cut me off. I went into my usual tirade of verbal abuse, because it had become a habit, and suddenly it occurred to me, "who am I affecting by yelling at the other cars. That person is blissfully unaware that they just cut me off. Who am I hurting" it occurred to me the only person that I was hurting was me so I thought "well at least no one was hurt, and I get to see my family again" I practiced this in my mind several times a day, and the next time someone cut me off I felt my anger begin to rise, and because I had practiced it in my mind it was easier to control how I reacted. It took about three months till I finally gained victory over these thoughts but now someone cuts me off and I do not even react.

2. Rehearse and Practice: Along with taking your thoughts captive and replace them with a positive perspectives, you will need to begin to rehearse them in your mind as often as you can. Remember to look at the truth of the matter not the facts. The practice and rehearse aspect is the most important part of gaining victory over negative thoughts. You cannot successfully replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts until you break the habits that have plagued your thoughts for years. Rehearse the positive perspective with the situation that occurs in a regular basis.

3. Think of situations that usually cause you to become negative, and replace them with a positive perspective before it happen. This will prepare you to react more appropriately the next time that negative situation comes up again. Continue to practice the positive thought three to five times per day. That way when that negative situation comes up you will know the best way to react. Obviously you will not be able to think of every scenario that gets you angry, but once you do start the process you will find as you get better at doing this, it will have an overflow effect in other areas. But if you find that you have reacted really well a number of times then you accidentally blow it, it is alright, do not beat yourself up about it just remember this can happen, and it is just your old habits trying to creep in. Do not give up just because it happened a couple of times, just practice the positive perspective more often until you can think of it automatically.

4. What if you think negative thoughts about someone close to you? For example your husband or wife, and it's destroying your relationship with that person. Well you need to find something positive about that person, and think about that. Think about how to do something nice for them that you know they will appreciate. Because even if that person does not appreciate it at first, and if you continue to do nice things for them you will begin to feel better about yourself. Think about what first attracted you to them. What was it that you first liked about them? Begin to think positive thoughts even if it is something as small as you like the way the person wears their hair, or you like the clothes they are wearing. Regardless of what it is just think something positive about them. You will begin to see them in a fresh light

5. Do not beat yourself up if you blow it occasionally just get back on the horse and continue to do it. Developing positive mental health does not happen overnight. You are going to have to make it a long-term commitment, in fact, finding the positive perspective will probably have to be a life time commitment. But do not worry it does get easier as time goes on.

If you follow these tips on a daily basis you will find that you whole life will change and you will find that more people will begin to like you because you are now walking in a positive mental health. Remember take your thoughts captive i.e. think about what you are thinking about. Recognise the truth not the facts, and think about the truth of the matter, rehearse and practice the positive thoughts and perspective and make them the new habit in your thought life. Try and think of something positive about other people even if it is something little. and most importantly do not beat yourself up or give up if you blow it because everyone does occasionally. if you remember these 5 tips you will be well on your way to having positive mental health.

Positive Mental Health - 5 Tips On How To Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Thoughts

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