Wednesday, February 29, 2012

thinking and corporal Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a fitness activity whose benefits are recognized by millions of practitioner all over the world. Exercising in the water, whether it is swimming or  water aerobics is an exquisite corporal training for everybody, teenager and elderly citizens, pregnant women and well fit men, overweight population and population recovering from an injury. If you are mental about beginning any fitness activity do not look everywhere else than at your local swimming pool. Keep reading to know why I am advocating so much in favor of the benefits of swimming.

Easy on the joints and efficient on the muscles

Good Mental Health

Because of the keep the water gives to your body, training in the swimming pool is like training in a weightless environment. Your joints and ligaments are not stressed as much as in other dry-land fitness activities such as jogging or tennis. Swimming is therefore a sport virtually free from injuries. Nevertheless, all the muscles of your body are trained very effectively. Because all the swimming movements are polite and performed with stretched muscles, while you train your strengths and endurance  you also train the muscles flexibility. If you start swimming now, you will find yourself stronger and more flexible in a matter of few weeks.

thinking and corporal Benefits of Swimming

Cardiovascular fitness benefits

Swimming activates all the major muscle groups in your body, but the benefits of swimming go added than just muscle strength. Quarterly swimmers get an widespread conditioning which includes a great revision on their cardiovascular system. Even just training twice or three times a week you will growth your lactate threshold. This means, your lungs and your heart will be able to keep your body during the training effort with more oxygen and a more efficient use of it to fuel your muscles. You will then be able to train harder and enhance added or simply to last longer doing any corporal exercise. A good fitness level in your body will bring great benefits to your life balance. You will lower your sugar levels, burn calories, and feel mentally stronger to face the challenges of your daily life.

Burn calories

Because swimming activates all the major muscle groups in your body it burns more calories than jogging. Not only that, but being easy on your ligaments you won't get injured as much as going jogging and you will be able to keep up your training throughout the year because you will keep being healthy. To lose weight however, coarse sense needs to be applied. Training is essential, and the benefits of swimming for losing weight are clear, but you need to keep in mind that you will lose weight only if you burn more calories than you take in. So watch your diet and distribute the meals wisely during the day. A good advice is to try to wait a incorporate of hours before and after the training session for having something to eat, eat only salutary food and do not forget to drink fullness of water also during your training.   

Swimming during Pregnancy

All Doctors would propose you to do some mild corporal exercise during pregnancy. Walking, practicing yoga, or participating to some soft aerobics class for pregnant women are ordinarily considered activities pregnant women can advantage from. Because of the peculiarities swimming has, pregnant women can benefits greatly by together with a soft but Quarterly swimming fitness habit in their life. Swimming trains very effectively the upper part of the body together with your back. Your back needs to be strong to keep the weight of your important belly. The best stroke to swim while you are pregnant is breaststroke. Breaststroke does not want rotation of the torso and thus it is more comfortable to do with a big belly. Even if a light training is ordinarily advisable for all pregnant women, you should always ask your doctor before beginning exercising. Your main target with the training should be to articulate your level of fitness and not improving your swimming performance.

How to Get Started

If you feel ready to get started I would propose you to go and check out what kind of activities are offered by your local swimming pool. You can start with getting a instructor to introduce you to the swimming techniques, in case you are a beginner, or join a scholar team if you want to train more and maybe have some fun competing. I would also advice you to just get to the swimming pool and plan your own training. There is fullness of data on the Internet and fullness of nice swimming training programs available for you to follow.

thinking and corporal Benefits of Swimming

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Omega 3 Health Benefits in Children

Omega 3 fatty acids have been known to provide a lot of health benefits for adults for many years (many heart conditions, mental problems and circulatory health problems can be cured or ameliorated by increasing the amount of omega 3s in one's diet). However, recent medical studies have shown the importance of providing your children with the proper amount of fatty acids. The human brain is made in large proportion of fats and many mental conditions are due to an improper balance of crucial fats.

These fatty acids are shown to greatly improve the children's brain activity and mental condition. A recent research has been conducted on two separate groups of small children, aged 9 to 12. The children in the first group had been given both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids for a period of over half a year. After just 3 months, the scientists running the research had witnessed significant improvements in the first group of children's mental condition. Their attention levels, short term memory and reading skills have shown significant improvements, figures which were only to rise in the following months of the research.

Mental Health

Scientists are only yet beginning to understand how these acids improve the brain's activity, but the benefits of these fats on people's mental condition have been witnessed since early as the 1950's. Children at those times were given supplements as a single dose of code liver oil and malt. Besides improving the child's brain functioning, the omega oils (which are polyunsaturated essential fatty acids) have the significant anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the child's bones, joints and muscular tonus.

Omega 3 Health Benefits in Children

Medics and nutritionists have been recommended increasing the amount of fish in or diets for many years now for the benefit of fish oil in protecting the human body against heart and mental problems. Including a weekly serving of fish can guarantee you that you will be avoiding many medical problems. Increasing the amount of fish in the child's diet is the more important, because by eating more fish as they are younger, the benefits these fatty acids have will be prolonged in time.

The most efficient way of ensuring your child's recommended dose of omega fats and vitamins is fish oil supplements, especially cod liver oil. Besides the essential fats, cod liver oil supplements also include Vitamin A and Vitamin D, as well as Vitamin E. However, be sure not to exceed the recommended supplement dosage, as the child may get vitamin overdose. The recommended daily dose of Omega 3 fats is about 400-500mg.

Omega 3 Health Benefits in Children

Drug Rehab Center

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Therapeutic Communication in the Nursing Profession

Nursing is a caring profession. It is also a profession that is more and more evidenced based in practice. In as much as the scientific aspects of nursing is increasing due to the complex technological advancement of medicine and the machinery that is used at the patients bedside, the fact remains that the nurse is the first person that the client usually comes in contact with in any emergency or hospital setting.

Having said this, the term, "caring" is an essential emotion that all nurses, for that matter, all individuals in the health profession must possess. With caring comes the trained ability of the nurse to facilitate therapeutic communication. One might ask, what is therapeutic communication? To better answer this question, the term communication should first be defined.

Mental Health

Communication can be defined as "The Process of transmitting messages and interpreting meaning." (Wilson and others, 1995) With therapeutic communication, the sender, or nurse seeks to illicit a response from the receiver, the patient that is beneficial to the patients mental and physical health. Just as stress has been proven to adversely affect the health of individuals, the therapeutic approach to communication can actually help. In any given situation everyone uses communication.

Therapeutic Communication in the Nursing Profession

Everyone has seen the individual that looks like they are either angry, stressed, feeling ill or maybe sad. These emotions are communicated to others not always by words, but by gestures and facial expressions. A nurse must always be aware of these expressions in clients, for these expressions may be the only way that the nurse can tell if there is something else going on that needs their attention. The term given to this type of non-verbal communication is called, meta-communication. In meta-communication, the client may look at their amputated stump and say that it doesn't really look that bad, while at the same time tears are rolling down from their eyes.

In a case such as this the nurse should stay and further explore how the person actually feels. There are many factors associated with the healing and comforting aspects of therapeutic communication. Circumstances, surroundings, and timing all play a role in the effect of therapeutic communication. If a client is being rushed down for an emergency surgery there might not be time for a bedside conversation, but the holding of a hand could convey much more than words to the client at such a moment.

Ideally, for therapeutic communication to be effective the nurse must be aware of how they appear to the client. If a nurse appears rushed, for example, they are speaking quickly, their countenance looks harried, and they are breathing heavily, their eyes not on the client but perhaps on an intravenous bag on the client in the next bed. In a case like this, there is nothing that this nurse could say to the client in a therapeutic manner that the client would believe. The helping relationship has not been established and therefore therapeutic communication cannot be facilitated. Some of the emotions associated with therapeutic communication include but are not limited to the following: Professionalism, Confidentiality, Courtesy, Trust, Availability, Empathy, and Sympathy. (Potter, Patricia A., Perry, Anne G., Co. 2003, Basic Nursing Essentials for Practice, pg. 123, Mosby)

All of these emotions go into the client nurse relationship, which must be established by the nurse as soon as possible upon first meeting the client. To begin to establish this nurse client relationship, the nurse must assess the overall message that the client is communicating to the nurse, such as fear, pain, sadness, anxiety or apathy. The nurse should be trained in keying into the message that the client is sending. Only then can the nurse determine the best therapeutic approach. Anyone that has to be thrust in to a hospital or emergency room environment has level of anxiety.

This level can go up considerably when the client feels that they have been abandoned or that there is no one there that really cares about how they feel. When a client is the recipient of therapeutic communication from a caring individual, a level of trust is achieved and more than, that the clients entire countenance can change for the better. Their blood pressure, respirations and levels of stress can simultaneously decrease. When this takes place, the management of pain, if any is involved, can be resolved more quickly. The goal for a nurse is to become proficient in the medical

Learn more about nursing education at The NET Study Guide.

Therapeutic Communication in the Nursing Profession

Driving Days

Monday, February 20, 2012

Top 10 Reasons People Seek Massage Therapy

Most of us are aware that therapeutic massage feels amazing; but massage also provides relief to a multitude of specific health concerns. Therapeutic massage has been proven beneficial in reducing muscular pain and tension; relieving lower back pain; lessening depression; giving K.O.'s to sleep disorders, lowering high blood pressure, increasing flexibility, and much more!

Experts believe that 90% of stress accounts for 80-90% of illnesses and disease. As massage is a great stress-reliever, you can see that we can avoid a lot of current, stress-related illnesses via massage therapy.

Mental Health

As mentioned above, there are several reasons why people seek massage. Below are the top ten reasons why most people seek massage:

Top 10 Reasons People Seek Massage Therapy

1. Massage feels great!

Massage can be a wonderful experience for deep relaxation. Post massage leaves your body and mind feeling at amazing ease.

2. Pain Relief

Massage provides significant reduction in back pain, (including lower back pain), migraine headaches, neck aches, shoulder pain, joint pain, overused or sore muscles, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and muscle injuries. A regular massage loosens all this unnecessary tension!

3. Stress!

That overworked, overwhelmed, spaced-out feeling. Massage provides deep relaxation lessening your muscle tension and lowering your blood pressure (by reducing heart and pulse rates). Massage increases your mental clarity, heightens mental alertness, and revitalizes your mind. Massage also increases academic performance and ability to focus on calculations.

4. Combating age

Massage therapy and bodywork improves immune system functioning while relieving muscle aches and stiffness. Massage also enhances tissue elasticity and joint flexibility; improves blood and lymph circulation; and promotes healthy vibrant skin.

5. Calming Emotions

You'd be surprised at the number of people who receive regular massage treatments as an alternative to 'dealing' with depression. . Massage therapy increases self-esteem, improves your mood, decreases depression, reduces anxiety, and quiets insomnia. Massage also can ease PMS symptoms.

6. Accelerated Healing

Massage therapy speeds healing of muscles, tissues, and skin. Thus sports massage is used and great for post-workouts, post-surgery, and muscle soreness in general.

7. Increased Flexibility/Mobility

Massage therapy is perfect for people who workout, are physically fit, those who are athletes, elderly, and even pre/post surgery. Massage is wonderful for improving motor skills. Massage therapy also maintains posture in the skeletal system.

8. Removing built up toxins

Massage flushes away waste products from your muscles, tissues, and skin more easily. This helps digestive disorders (such as spastic colon, constipation and intestinal gas).

9. Improving and Maintaining Skin Tone

Massage therapy stimulates skin gland production, leaving clear, healthy skin. Massage to the skin also helps to reduce superficial scar tissue, improving skin condition(s).

10. Better overall health investment, maintenance of optimal health

In summary:

Regular massage will make you look and feel years younger! Massage therapy is so much more than a luxurious way to relax. It is a wise investment in your health and being. Massage certainly should be regarded as proof to your dedication towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Take a mini vacation for an hour or two!

Top 10 Reasons People Seek Massage Therapy

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Importance of Money in Your Life and Your Mental Health

We all know how important money is. Without money we cannot do anything... However, if we only care about making money and nothing else, many parts of our lives remain unsatisfied, which can bring us various problems.

Money is not a purpose in life, but a way to manage living. It should not be more important for you than your dignity and your moral principles, and you had better accepting living poorly than steal money from other people or do dishonest things to achieve your goals.

Mental Health

On the other hand, you should not despise your personal life because you are too busy working in order to pay the bills, otherwise you won't have any family. For what would you work so hard, if in the end you would be left alone? Your wife or husband needs your attention too. Your children need your presence and advice.

The Importance of Money in Your Life and Your Mental Health

If you care only about having money, without dedicating any time to the people you love, they will abandon you. And in case you do make such mistake, your mental health will be damaged too. You'll start feeling depressed, and your depression could easily become a neurosis.

The importance of money in your life has to be very well defined.

If you are obsessed about being rich and about keeping your position, you are in a very dangerous area.

Pay attention to the way you use your money if you are too rich and powerful, because you may make many serious mistakes without understanding what you are doing, and nobody will correct you. Nobody will dare to go against you if you are a millionaire, and this means that you are free to do the most horrible things, without being prevented or punished for that.

Do you think that this position is a privileged one?

You are quite wrong if you do, because when you have the power to do whatever you desire, you let your selfishness dominate you. Besides that, the people that are near you may envy you and try to take your place, betraying you.

Never abandon your moral principles! You need them in order to keep your balance.

If you are too selfish and greed characterizes your life, learn how to be generous and help the poor. They need compassion because they haven't had the same opportunities that you had to make money, and they are not as talented as you are.

Now, in case you are like most people in this world, and you have no money, don't feel sad about that. Be patient and work, and you'll manage to make enough to pay for what you need. Don't let the lack of money become a nightmare in your life.

Make a plan and try to stick to it.

The lack of money is not the worst problem you could have. Be grateful for your health, and work without resentment.

Always keep in mind that the psychological problems provoked by immorality and greed are worse than poverty, and never complain about anything.

The Importance of Money in Your Life and Your Mental Health

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Positive mental health is a great way to ensure you lead a long, happy and healthy life. Maintaining your mental health is easier than most people think and will have a significant impact on your everyday life.

Would you like to have more energy? What about a good night sleep? How you would like to go an entire year without catching the flu once? Achieving a positive mental health state will not guarantee these things, but it sure will help.

Mental Health

Here are the top 5 things you can do to help promote positive mental health in you and your children:

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

1. Eat Healthy. Eating fast food 3 times a week and downing a few cold ones before bed might be easier than making a home-cooked meal and more enjoyable than drinking a cold glass of water but it won't do a whole lot for your health. Eating home-cooked foods (especially fruits and vegetables) and staying away from the fast food joints will help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire.

2. Drink Lots of Water. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, average individuals are expected to consume at least eight glasses of water a day. And while this seems like it may be a lot, it's actually not. Eight glasses is almost equivalent to filling up your water bottle a few times between waking up and going to bed. Remember, if you work out, you will need to increase your water intake to compensate for the water you're burning off while exercising. Drinking water will detoxify your body and restore it back to a healthy state - especially after drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

3. Kick the Bad Habits. We've already mentioned it a few times but eliminating significant alcohol intake will have positive results on your mental health. Likewise, kicking other bad habits like smoking and drinking considerable amounts of coffee will also help keep your mental health at its best.

4. De-Stress. Stress is one of the leading causes for poor mental health. When you're stressed out, your body has to work harder to keep up and, overtime, it will take its toll on your body and your brain. Next time something stressful happens, try lighting some candles and taking a bath. If that doesn't work for you, try letting off some steam by going to the gym or going for a run. Keeping a positive frame of mind will promote positive mental health and eliminate undue stress on your brain.

5. Book Regular Check-ups. Unfortunately, you can do all of the things listed above and still suffer from mental health problems. In fact, you might have a mental illness and not even know it. Make sure you're mental health is in good condition by booking regular appointments with your doctor. He/she will be able to confirm whether you're lifestyle is healthy or identify where you may need to make some changes.

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Computer Help

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mental Illness in the Prison System

Should the mentally ill be placed in the mainstream population of a prison?

Chances are you've never given much - if any - thought to this question. A paranoid schizophrenic kills someone because the voices in his head tell him that person is an alien trying to steal his brain. Is that schizophrenic safe in a prison? Are the other prisoners safe with him (or her) there?

Mental Health

A person suffering with severe bipolar disorder shoplifts an armload of clothing during an attack of acute mania. He or she is sent to prison, to co-exist with gangbangers, rapists, and murderers. Or, perhaps worse, to live in a solitary cell with no human interaction, for 23 out of 24 hours each day. The acute mania shifts to severe depression. What are the chances he or she will survive the prison term?

According to the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 1998 approximately 300,000 inmates had some form of mental illness. A decade later, that number rose to 1.25 million.

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) states that 16 percent of the prison population can be classified as severely mentally ill. This means that they fit the psychiatric classification for illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. However, the percentage skyrockets to as high as 50 percent when altered to include other mental illnesses, such as anti-social personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder.

Two major causes attribute to the rise of mentally ill inmates:

In the 1950s, the U.S. had 600,000 state run hospital beds for those suffering from any form of mental illness. Because of deinstitutionalization and the subsequent cutting of state and federal funding, the U.S. now has just 40,000 beds for the mentally ill. The inability to get proper treatment left this segment of our population vulnerable and, consequently, many of them now land in prisons.

Deinstitutionalization hasn't worked. All this has managed to do is to shift the mentally ill from hospitals to prisons - one institution to another. We have made it a crime to be mentally ill.

The largest psychiatric facility in the U.S. isn't a hospital; it's a prison. At any given time, Rikers Island in New York City houses an estimated 3,000 mentally ill prisoners. The average inmate population at Rikers Island is 14,000. One out of every 4 to 5 inmates at this prison suffer from mental illness.

Florida judge Steven Leifman, who chairs the Mental Health Committee for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, states that, "The sad irony is we did not deinstitutionalize, we have reinstitutionalized-from horrible state mental hospitals to horrible state jails. We don't even provide treatment for the mentally ill in jail. We're just warehousing them."

What happens to the mentally ill in an overcrowded, violent prison system with little to no psychological counseling available?

In state prisons, the mentally ill serve an average of 15 months longer than the average inmate. The very nature of most mental illnesses makes it difficult to follow prison rules. These inmates are more likely to be involved in prison fights and they tend to accumulate more conduct violations.

Prison staff often punishes mentally ill inmates for being disruptive, refusing to comply with orders, and even for attempting suicide. In other words, these inmates are punished for exhibiting the symptoms of their illness.

Gaining parole is also more difficult for the mentally ill. Their disciplinary records are often spotty, they may have no family willing or able to help, and community services are usually inadequate.

In October 2003, Human Rights Watch released a report entitled Ill Equipped: U.S. Prisons and Offenders with Mental Illness. Following two years of in-depth research, this organization found that few prisons have adequate mental health care services. Furthermore, it found that the prison environment is dangerous and debilitating for the mentally ill.

An excerpt from Ill Equipped:

"Security staff typically view mentally ill prisoners as difficult and disruptive, and place them in barren high-security solitary confinement units. The lack of human interaction and the limited mental stimulus of twenty-four-hour-a-day life in small, sometimes windowless segregation cells, coupled with the absence of adequate mental health services, dramatically aggravates the suffering of the mentally ill. Some deteriorate so severely that they must be removed to hospitals for acute psychiatric care. But after being stabilized, they are then returned to the same segregation conditions where the cycle of decompensation begins again. The penal network is thus not only serving as a warehouse for the mentally ill, but, by relying on extremely restrictive housing for mentally ill prisoners, it is acting as an incubator for worse illness and psychiatric breakdowns."

According to Fred Osher, M.D., director of the Center for Behavioral Health, Justice and Public Policy at the University of Maryland, the majority of mentally ill inmates are arrested for misdemeanors and crimes of survival. He states, "That's a whole host of folks who land in the criminal justice system because of their behavioral disorders."

Those on the fringe of society are primarily affected. These people are almost always impoverished and disabled by their illness. They have nowhere to turn, no one to help them, and so we toss them in prison. Even minor offenses keep them locked in prisons, since many cannot afford and/or do not know how to bond themselves out.

The recidivism rate among the mentally ill is higher than that among the general prison population. Prison has become a revolving door system for dealing with mental illness. By default, prisons have become the new mental hospitals. However, they lack the funding and the training to deal with these patient-inmates.

Ratan Bhavnani, executive director of the Ventura County chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, states that, "In general, people with mental illness can recover when given the appropriate treatment rather than to be sent off to jail only to become more psychotic and come back and reoffend."

Michael Jung of Ventura, California suffers from bipolar and hears voices telling him that he is the devil. Over the past 10 years, Jung has been arrested a minimum of 15 times - all for relatively minor offenses. Earlier this year, Jung spent six weeks confined in G Quad, the unit where mentally ill inmates stay in their cells 23 out of the 24 hours in each day.

Cells such as those in G Quad are referred to as the "rubber rooms" because the walls are padded. There is no furniture in these rooms. The "toilet" is a grate in the floor. They are stripped naked and monitored via video camera. Inmates who are paranoid, delusional, or otherwise difficult to manage are often placed in this type of cell, whether for their own protection, the safety of the other inmates, or just plain convenience.

Susan Abril, a former inmate who suffers from bipolar disorder, was placed in this type of cell. During her confinement, Abril began hearing voices for the first time. "I didn't sleep," she said. "I mentally went insane being locked down 23 hours of 24."

We are essentially making the mentally ill inmates sicker, as well as ensuring their return to an already massively overcrowded prison system. Obviously our current system is not working. We cannot expect prison staff to function as psychiatrists. We also cannot expect the mentally ill to be "rehabilitated" in a mainstream prison system.

The Taxpayer Action Board for Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois cited annual savings in the tens of millions of dollars that could be gained by releasing thousands of non-violent offenders, closely monitoring them and providing substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, education, job training, and employment opportunities.

For the most part, the mentally ill do not belong in prison. It would be cheaper (and smarter) for us as taxpayers to divert funding in order to provide adequate treatment programs to keep them out of prison.

Mental Illness in the Prison System

Insurance For Young Drivers

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mental Illness and the Early Insane Asylums - A Shameful Past

Originally in the later part of the Middle Ages, insane asylums were built to remove the mentally ill people from the streets. These unfortunate people were feared and viewed with horror by most of the population of the time. The asylums created were really prisons and not centers for treatment. The inmates were chained and the rooms were dark and filthy dungeons. The "patients" were treated like animals, not humans.

Later on in history, in Paris 1792 an experiment was conducted. The chains were removed from the inmates which was a big deal at that time. Much to the amazement of the skeptics this experiment on the "animals" was a success! A different attitude was now starting to emerge towards the treatment of the mentally ill. The inmates were removed from their filthy dungeons and given clean, sunny rooms. They were treated with kindness and not like wild animals by the staff. The result was that many ill folks who were considered hopelessly crazy recovered and were even able to leave the asylum!

Mental Health

But the treatments used to try and cure the mentally ill were horror stories out of a horror flick. These "treatments" were actually forms of torture that were believed to help bring the patient back to reality. One early treatment was the branding of a patient's head with a red hot iron to "bring the animal to his senses". An English treatment of the earlier nineteenth century involved using a rotating device in which the afflicted person was placed and then whirled around at a high speed. Even as late as the nineteenth century another similar "treatment" device was used. This one swung the mentally ill person around while he was in a harness. This treatment supposedly "calmed the nerves".

Then in 1904 there was a breakthrough in mental illness science. Syphilis spirochete was discovered and shown that there could be a physical cause for mental illness. Then, Sigmund Freud and his followers came along and suggested that environmental factors could be the cause of mental disorders. But it seems that even with these new scientific breakthroughs and different ways of viewing mental illness, the general population of the early 1900's still thought of mentally ill people living in asylums with fear, horror and even hatred. There still was no real understanding of this terrible illness.

But in 1908 an amazing thing happened. A mentally ill person named Clifford Beers recovered from his mental illness. He published a book called "A Mind That Found Itself". He was diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis and was institutionalized for three years. The earlier forms of torture, branding, "spinning" and others were abandoned at this time only to be replaced by overcrowded hospitals, poor food, strait jackets and sadistic and uncaring attendants. These elements made the "hospitals" unpleasant places to live in, let alone to try and recover in.

Clifford Beers described his experiences in the insane asylums. He helped educate the public about the principles of mental health. His single-handed efforts to educate the public about mental illness, along with using his book helped to make the public aware of the disease and to help understand it. Soon the National Committee for Mental Hygiene was organized. Then in 1950 the committee joined with two other groups and formed the National Association for Mental Health.

Of course nowadays we have a much better understanding of mental health and mental illnesses. New drugs and treatments are always being discovered. Looking back in time, it sure is hard to believe that the understanding of this illness was so limited and the accepted treatments were so barbaric. But today, with our advanced drugs, technology and treatments we are able to help the mentally ill successfully recover in many cases and lead healthy, normal lives. Maybe one day science will discover the answers as to what causes mental illness in the first place and find us a sure and permanent cure.

Mental Illness and the Early Insane Asylums - A Shameful Past

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Psychology and Mental Health - Indifference and Craziness

Many people believe that indifference is something natural and perfectly normal. However, what is indifference? What does it really mean?

Indifference is apathy, lack of sensitivity, lack of connection to the objective reality; in other words: it is an abnormality.

Mental Health

This means that one's natural reaction should never be indifference to the stimuli of the environment.

If you are indifferent to what is happening around you, this means that you are not paying attention to reality, which is first of all very dangerous, because if you don't pay attention to what is happening around you, you cannot defend yourself in case you are in trouble, since you don't notice anything.

Indifference is a cruel reaction to someone else's pain. If you don't care about other people's suffering, you may even provoke it to them, without understanding what you are doing.

If you are indifferent to your family, friends and all the people you know, you live alone, without any real contact with anyone.

The worst however is that indifference to what is bad and painful for somebody else is pure craziness. It is the beginning of the domination of your wild conscience in the conscious field.

When you are indifferent to other people's pain you become cold and cruel because your primitive and violent conscience dominates your human side. Then you gradually lose contact with the objective reality, coming to the point of murdering someone or committing suicide. Suicide is a hidden form of murder, because whoever commits suicide kills the people that care for them.

When you are dominated by the wild anti-conscience that destroys the human side of your brain, you are not able to understand the meaning of your actions.

You must prevent craziness and despair before it is too late!

Indifference and craziness are synonyms, even though our society believes that indifference is a neutral attitude.

Everyone is responsible for what is bad if they let it happen, and everyone has the moral obligation to save others when they are dying.

Indifference to what is terrible cannot help but be an absurd reaction before great danger. If you are indifferent to this warning, this is reason for real alarm.

Psychology and Mental Health - Indifference and Craziness

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