Thursday, January 26, 2012

Home Health Care Employment - 5 Things You Should Know

Home health care workers are people in charge of caring for the sick, disabled and elderly in their communities. The work is usually performed within the homes or residential facilities of the people receiving care. The positions are widely available in every city, town, and suburb around the country. In fact, wherever there are people, home health care workers are and will continue to be in demand.

There are a number of reasons that people choose to seek employment in the home health care industry. Some people are attracted by the chance to help others in a very direct, even intimate way. Other health workers like the idea that you can get a well-paying job even without having a high school diploma. And, some like the flexible work hours that the position entails.

Mental Health

It is a good thing that many people are interested in working in this industry. The demand for health care workers continues to grow, given that the population continues to age. There will always be elderly people who need care. And, there will always be people who are mentally or physically unable to care for themselves.

If you are considering working in this field, here are 5 things you should know:

1. Know the difference between home health aides and home care aides

There are various types of positions within this industry. However, in general terms, the two primary types of jobs you can get are that of home health aide and home (or personal) care aide.

Home health aides usually work for certified health agencies that receive government funding and therefore must comply with certain rules in order to continue to receive that funding. These workers are under the management of a nurse or other medical professional, and they provide some limited health services.

Meanwhile, home care aides work for various private and public agencies. They are supervised by a social worker or other non-medical managers. While they do receive supervision from time to time, most of the work they perform on a day to day basis is done on their own.

2. Understand the benefits

People who appreciate flexible, non-standard work hours will often choose this type of position: in fact, you may care for the same person for months or years. But, it is more likely that you will travel around town each day, caring for 2, 3 or more people on any given day. The other, most obvious, benefit is the ability to really make a difference in someone's life in a way that you cannot do with many other types of jobs.

3. Know that this type of work is not for everyone

Working in this industry can be very physically and mentally demanding. For example, you can find yourself heading home each day with a sore back due to having to lift the person you care for into bed. Also, the people for whom you care may not always be friendly or in a good mood.

4. You must receive training

You must receive training and pass a test to prove that you are competent to work in this field. Most training is "on the job training" and is conducted by registered nurses or other medical practitioners. Training does not exceed 75 hours in most cases.

5. You do not need a high school diploma to get a job

Never got your high school diploma? No worries! Working as a home health aide or home care aide does not require that you have one. Just complete the training and pass the competency test and you will be on your way!

If you need a job and have considered working in this industry, make sure you understand the requirements, benefits and difficult parts of this line of work. Armed with the right knowledge, you can make the right decision about whether this is the career for you.

Home Health Care Employment - 5 Things You Should Know

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Health Benefits of Taking a Vacation

Taking vacations allows time for relaxing and enjoying yourself in being free from your everyday responsibilities at home and at the office. It is your moment to travel and explore the world. Vacations also bring unforgettable memories that will last for a lifetime. Making good memories is good for the soul. You will not only enjoy it, but also become mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.

Before giving you the importance of vacation, here are some tips on how to take a vacation:

Mental Health

1. Make sure you have a vacation budget.
2. Let your boss and colleagues know it early.
3. Reserve your flights and hotels early.
4. Pack light.
5. Enjoy the planning and packing as part of the overall experience
6. Leave your phone and laptop home.

Specialist Corner

Studies show that taking a vacation can lessen the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and help live a healthier life.

Experts consent that people who seize their health seriously should also learn to take vacation time seriously. Researchers from the State University of New York at Oswego conducted a survey of more than 12,000 men ages 35 to 57 who had participated in a large heart disease prevention trial. The results, presented last March at a meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society in Savannah, suggest that men who take vacations every year reduce their overall risk of death by about 20 percent, and their risk of death from heart disease by as much as 30 percent.

When the mind feels pressured and blocked with ideas, the effects on the body can be undesirable. One very important characteristic of mental health and well being is simply setting set the time to allow your mind to do nothing. It is in the method of not being hectic that one is free to reflect, deliberate, refresh and generally be grateful in the world around you - a world which you are usually to busy to recognize.

When the Doctor says Rest

When you get sick, the most common thing you hear from your doctor and peers is to get plenty of rest. This was meant exactly that. Rest, with no activities suggested whatsoever. The art of doing nothing when you are unwell drains your mind from noise and hassle of the world. As stress and depression rise, having a time for regular outings and vacations can give you some solutions to maintaining a healthy condition.

Many people plan a vacation wherein fast paced activities are planned everyday for the week. Therefore, the vacation often ends up being as demanding as the job that you left behind. A lot of people evoke the feeling of being crushed by the time they have got back from their holiday, and this is the point. In order to get the bursting health benefits of a vacation, it is important for you to do as little as possible and set aside the time to relax your mind and soul that you need to replenish so you can return home feeling rejuvenated.

Take it Easy and Unwind

Idleness is often sulked upon in modern society, yet it is a significant part of your human mental health. It allows you to collect thoughts, to expand your viewpoint, and to alleviate anxiety. A certain amount of being idle is essential to a happy, contented life.

The ultimate tool in stress management is relaxation. Whether you take a siesta in a beach chair or snore beneath the stars, you will feel that you sleep better on a vacation. Your mind and body calm down when you adjust your focus and your pace.

One great way to relax is by reading a book especially when you fall asleep doing it. Fishing is somewhat of a reflective activity. Trying innovative sports like surfing and bowling may not be soothing but may suggest benefits to your health and well-being. No matter how active or inactive your vacation is, your mind will take it easy and your body will unwind. Basically, do the things you love, the things that bring meaning to you in your life, and see if you can mix it with the quiet and calm down time you need with the adventure side of yourself.

Explore Your Options

A vacation will give you the chance to see new places and seek new adventures. Some may take a trip abroad and explore the wonderful things beyond in search of discovery. Others may spend their vacations camping and hiking in mountains nearby. Still others prefer to volunteer in an activity in their community. There are a lot of choices to pick from. Choose what's best for you and for your health. The goal is to get out of your stress and daily obligations and take care of you.

Health Benefits of Taking a Vacation

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Orthomolecular Medicine - A Leading Light For Mental Health and Nutrition, Mental Diseases

Are we in The Dark Ages? When it comes to mental health diagnoses in the 21st century, it often seems that way. Yes, drugs can help extreme symptoms, but with a 10% 'success' rate, modern drugs seldom help anyone truly recover. Parents and other family members of those with serious mental diseases are often at their wits' end.

Too many people are suffering-not getting well on present day "medication only" policies of mental wards of our leading hospitals. Seldom do patients' physical health get investigated for deficiencies of healthy nutrients such as B12, other B vitamins, Vitamin D or Omega 3 fatty acids, bowel problems, food allergies or mineral deficiencies, such as zinc.

Mental Health

Thousands of accounts of deficiencies affecting mental health can be found in respected journals and daily newspapers: Vitamin D preventing depression, Omega 3 fatty acids helping to prevent suicides and post-partum depression, food allergies affecting mental health and children - triggering ADHD, hypoglycemia causing anxiety, bipolar or other symptoms of mental disorders.

What Early Research Supports Healthy Nutrients for Mental Health?

In the early '50's Abram Hoffer, MD, with a PhD in biochemistry conducted double-blind studies for the treatment of schizophrenia. Hoffer headed up a research team of 30 in four mental hospitals and three psychiatric wards in Saskatchewan, Canada. Eight double blind studies came out of this extensive research that showed that certain B vitamins, especially niacin, B3 could help schizophrenia. Forty years of research can be found on about orthomolecular medicine to treat mental disorders and physical illnesses.

Schizophrenia symptoms including paranoia and other serious symptoms were reversed in 80% of cases within two years if the patient was started on the treatment of B3 (niacin). Along the way, other protocols natural to the body were researched by medical scientists and added for even more benefit. These treatments are inexpensive and effective and can be added to medication with better outcomes.

Dosages of dietary supplements depend upon each individual's tolerance and needs and can often change over time. (Niacin can cause a flush in the body, but is not dangerous. There are non-flush formulas.) Symptoms of bipolar, depression and anxiety can also be lessened.

Is Orthomolecular Medicine Used for Mental Health Disorders?

Orthomolecular medicine, a term coined by Linus Pauling, double Nobel Laureate involves treatment by optimizing health and treating disease by providing correct amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids and other substances which are natural and essential to the human body.

Your body is powered by your dietary intake - nutrients. There is no steel plate cutting off your brain from your body. The brain is 60% fat and it needs quality fats, vitamins and minerals to thrive. Those eating deep fried foods such as French fries need information on eating healthy. Rancid fats get lodged in our bodies in places where healthy fats should be to power the body - especially the brain.

Why Don't You Know About Mental Health and Nutrition?

Vitamins, minerals or other natural substances can't be patented. No vitamin sales people knock on physicians' doors with free samples. Also, nutrition is low on the list of subjects in medical schools. However, orthomolecular psychiatrists or other health professionals check for many nutrient deficiencies as possible causes for mental disturbances. Abundant Information is available about nutrition health benefits.

What Physical Problems can Affect Mental Illnesses?

High or low blood sugar levels cause mental symptoms to peak. B12 deficiency causes confusion, fatigue, weakness and severe mental symptoms. Anemia (low iron levels) is sometimes confused with dementia. Low thyroid has been shown to be common for those with schizophrenia. Low levels of Vitamin D stores directly relate to depression. Those with mental illness often have food allergies or digestive problems.

Some fear that vitamins in high dosages are "not safe". View testimony before the Government of Canada, House of Commons Standing Committee on Health, regarding nutritional supplement product safety (Ottawa, May 12, 2005). Ignorance abounds on the subject of vitamins.

Our society needs to restore the lost minds of people who suffer episodes of mental health problems. The lucky ones who recover using orthomolecular treatments can become productive members of society. They can enjoy life and contribute.

Let's end the dark age of treatment of those with mental diseases. Contact The International Schizophrenia Foundation and the Journal of OrthomolecularMedicine and help those desperate for recovery to step into the light.

Orthomolecular Medicine - A Leading Light For Mental Health and Nutrition, Mental Diseases

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mental Wellness 101 - What Is Mental Health To You?

Mental wellness is determined by how the mind, spirit and body are related and how well they are in functioning together as a unit. It does not alone mean disease absence but how good the three are in achieving goals set by an individual. The three are what make up a personality and determine how successful and reasonable one is towards life. Wellness mentally therefore involves physical and spiritual stability of an individual. There is no way you can separate the three as they work hand in hand in dealing with life for they all seek to explain what is mental health.

For you to be termed as mentally well, you must be active in thinking and have the ability to create and experiment. This in turn means that you can be in a position to determine a problem and work towards solving it. The ability to think also helps you in dealing with social conflicts that may come your way. You must also keep in touch with your emotions and feelings. This means that you have the ability to express any negative or positive feelings you may be going through effectively.

Mental Health

You will know that your mental status is well when you have control over your beliefs and goals. You should realize that your skills and efforts are worthwhile giving you all the satisfaction you need. This depends on how positive you are towards life and how confident you are with the things you do and the things you face with each passing day. The creative part of you will allow you to have joyous moments as well as the ability to achieve serious tasks while having fun.

A person who is well mentally will not have a hard time in socializing with people around as he or she is fully aware of the social side of his personality. You are only as strong as you feel and as successful as you want to be. If you are afraid of forming relationships, you will end up leading a life that is tasteless. You should be in a position to take good care of yourself both physically, mentally and spiritually by engaging in activities that cater for these areas of life.

To be mentally well, there is a need to develop positive attitude towards life if things are to work to your advantage. People who are too choosy or are hard to please find they lack in certain areas of life which can amount to mental instability even without them noticing it. You have the ability and control to set your mind in a positive direction in the end giving you the mental stability you need to be successful in life.

In explaining what is mental health, then one can conclude mental wellness being a matter of how well you can handle the things that face you and how good you are in dealing with all sorts of situations without the need of feeling helpless or lacking to do what is required. With the right attitude and focus on the things that matter most, you will for sure achieve any height you would like on the success ladder molding you into what you desire to be.

Mental Wellness 101 - What Is Mental Health To You?

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