A coarse topic of seminar these days is health. Natural foods, organic gardens, aerobic exercise, weight training, balanced diet, salutary this, salutary that, healthy, healthy, healthy.
You know what? It's not a bad idea. It has caused us, as a people, to look more closely at ourselves and how we function. A closer look at our universe within, the many aspects, attitudes, and abilities we need and make active use of on a daily basis.
Good Mental Health
We also look with a greater interest at the ever addition universe that surrounds us, and how it is effected by the events of our universe within.
We are implicated about our many "kinds" of health. Our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and pro health. These are all foremost to our total well-being, and we nothing else but need to pay concentration to each one of them on a quarterly basis.
I submit that there is one aspect of our pro well-being that we might focus on, from time to time. This would be our ethical well-being.
Sure, we tend towards being honest in what we do. But are we always "ethical"?
As individuals involved in network marketing systems, we are more closely watched by the eyes of the world. We are more closely scrutinized by our actions: things we do or don't do. We are judged more severely because we are the best.
And that is good!
The habitancy expect more of us because we laid out so much more, as individuals and professionals. We know, more than most, that somewhere in the middle of wants and needs lays understanding, and it is our responsibility to share this understanding with our clients.
I would recommend that we take the time to discover, for ourselves, our own Personal pro Creed, or "Ppc". It could be something similar to the following:
(1) Honesty is always the best policy.
(2) I will never exertion to sell something that isn't needed or wanted.
(3) I will always make a personal exertion to properly illustrate my products and services.
(4) I will continue to study the products and services I have to offer so as to be knowledgeable about them when sharing them with my clients.
(5) I will not intentionally share an inferior goods or service.
(6) Opportunity and value will originate my clients. My consistent assistance will encourage them to remain my clients.
(7) It is foremost that I share, because what I have to offer will be foremost in someone's life.
Wrestle with this a bit. It is an outward notification of internal integrity and commitment.
Work it out in your mind and on paper. It is critically foremost that you write it down so that you may post it in a conspicuous place where you may retell your Ppc at least twice a day.
Success comes to those who plan. The joy of success is in knowing who you are. retell your Ppc often to remind you who you are and why you do what you do.
Make the most of the experience.
You are the best!
A Personal professional Creed
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